Defect reporting is the process of communicating and presenting the defect information and data to stakeholders in a clear and concise way. It helps you inform and update the stakeholders about the defect status and progress, the defect quality and performance, and the defect resolution and improvement. Additionally, defect reporting allows you to solicit feedback from stakeholders to enhance your defect management process and outcomes. Common formats for defect reporting include a defect summary report, a defect detail report, and a defect notification. A defect summary report is a brief overview of the defects, such as the number, priority, severity, status, and distribution. A defect detail report is more comprehensive and includes information such as the identifier, title, description, priority, severity, category, source, reporter, assignee, date/time, status/progress, root cause/solution/test cases/results/verification method/criteria/outcome/feedback/comments. Lastly, a defect notification is timely and specific with an alert or reminder of a defect occurrence or change. It typically includes the identifier, title, description, priority, severity, status, and action required.