Before you can plan and schedule the work activities of your contractors and subcontractors, it's important to define the scope of work clearly and precisely. The scope of work is a document that outlines the project objectives, deliverables, specifications, requirements, and responsibilities of each party involved. It also defines the milestones, deadlines, and payment terms of the contract. Review the scope of work with your contractors and subcontractors and make sure that they understand and agree to it. Update the scope of work whenever there are changes or variations in the project.
It's not just about defining scope of work. For example, a plumbing company, They know whats included on their scope of work, I know what is included and excluded, let's say underslab drain piping. It is very important for me and them to review the gotechnical report. They know they have a long but long section of plumbing piping which will require to dig a deep hole on the ground. Do they know if an excavator will do the job? do they need a huge circular saw? or will they need a huge trencher because there is no dirt and there is the hardest rock you will ever find? take that in consideration. If not reviewed upfront it can kill your schedule easily!
It is also important when defining the timelines to consider the project risks that may arise that may derail your plans. As part of risk management one may firstly identify risks that apply to the project (historical) and then you provide project specific risks as we all know all projects are unique.
Planning and scheduling work activities involve clear communication, detailed contracts, and effective project management tools. Set clear expectations, deliverables, and deadlines for each contractor and subcontractor. Regularly review and update the schedule to accommodate changes or delays. Foster a collaborative environment where everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities and the overall project timeline.
Objetivos Claros. Estabele?a os objetivos principais do projeto. Escopo Detalhado. Defina o escopo do trabalho, especificando tarefas e entregáveis. Recursos Necessários. Identifique os recursos (humanos, financeiros, materiais) necessários para cada tarefa. -Contratados vs. Subcontratados. Decida quais tarefas ser?o realizadas por sua equipe interna e quais ser?o terceirizadas.
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool that helps you break down the project into manageable and measurable components. A WBS shows the hierarchy and relationship of the project deliverables and tasks, as well as the resources and costs associated with them. You can use a WBS to assign roles and responsibilities to your contractors and subcontractors, and to estimate the duration and effort of each task. You can also use a WBS to identify the dependencies and constraints of the project, and to monitor and control the progress and performance of the work activities.
This is in the scheduling phase. I normally use primavera to create schedules and the WBS. Primavera a powerful scheduling tool.
A project schedule is a document that shows the planned start and finish dates of the project tasks, as well as the sequence and order of execution. A project schedule helps you coordinate the work activities of your contractors and subcontractors, and communicate the expectations and deadlines to them. You can use various tools and techniques to develop a project schedule, such as a Gantt chart, a network diagram, a critical path method, or a resource leveling method. Update the project schedule regularly to reflect the actual status and changes of the project.
Another thing to add. Scheduling us a team effort. Estimators, Project managers and the superintendent should sit down and develop a project schedule. just a tip!
As part of the resource management with contractors, it is important that a skilled scheduler is present as part of the critical team members. Its delays the project unnecessarily when one resource i.e. the supervisor also does the scheduling.
Sequenciamento. Determine a ordem das tarefas, identificando dependências e prioridades. Estimativa de Tempo. Estime o tempo necessário para completar cada tarefa.
One of the key aspects of planning and scheduling the work activities of your contractors and subcontractors is communication. Conduct regular meetings with your contractors and subcontractors to discuss the project status, issues, risks, changes, and feedback. Use these meetings to clarify the scope, schedule, quality, and safety standards of the project, and resolve any conflicts or disputes that may arise. Document the meeting minutes and action items, and follow up on them accordingly.
Weekly meetings will work pefectly fine to review schedule, tweak it if necessary. A 3 week look ahead will help you track activities closer, like material deliveries, critical path, organize logistics,
A site diary is a record of the daily activities and events that occur on site. It can include information such as the weather conditions, the attendance and performance of the contractors and subcontractors, the materials and equipment used, the inspections and tests conducted, the problems and incidents encountered, and the decisions and actions taken. A site diary helps you track and verify the work activities of your contractors and subcontractors, and provide evidence and documentation in case of disputes or claims. Keep your site diary updated and accurate, and store it securely.
Beyond being a record-keeping tool, view the site diary as a dynamic instrument for continuous improvement. Encourage your team, including contractors and subcontractors, to contribute insights to the diary. Use it not only to document challenges but as a platform for collaborative problem-solving. This transforms the site diary from a passive record to an active knowledge-sharing hub, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and innovation on the project.
Software de Gest?o. Utilize ferramentas como Trello, Asana, Microsoft Project ou para planejar e monitorar as atividades. Calendários Compartilhados. Utilize calendários compartilhados para manter todos atualizados sobre prazos e reuni?es.
Review and evaluate the results of the work activities of your contractors and subcontractors. Compare the actual outcomes with the planned objectives, deliverables, and quality standards, and identify any gaps or deviations. Provide feedback and recognition to your contractors and subcontractors, and acknowledge their achievements and contributions. Learn from the lessons and best practices of the project and apply them to your future planning and scheduling activities.
PDCA Agenda semanal Planos de A??es para desvios Comunica??o eficaz HIGHLIGHTS & DELIVERABLES Checklists and punchlists Mitiga??o de riscos
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