To illustrate how to apply these questions, let's look at some examples of MVP metrics for different types of MVPs. A landing page MVP is a simple website that describes your value proposition and collects email addresses or sign-ups from interested customers. Possible metrics for this type of MVP include number of visitors, bounce rate, conversion rate, sign-up rate, email open rate, and feedback. Concierge MVPs are services delivered manually to a small number of customers without building a full product; metrics for these include number of customers, customer satisfaction, retention rate, referral rate, and revenue. Wizard of Oz MVPs appear automated but are actually operated by humans; metrics for these include number of users, usage frequency, engagement rate, churn rate, and feedback. Prototype MVPs have the core features and functionality but are not fully polished or scalable; metrics for these include number of users, usage frequency, engagement rate, retention rate, feedback, and bug reports.