There are various methods to measure SNR in DSP testing, depending on the signal and noise type and source. One of the most popular approaches is to use a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer, where a known signal is generated with the former and its power and frequency spectrum are measured with the latter. Then, the noise power and spectrum can be determined by switching off the signal generator while keeping the same settings on the spectrum analyzer. The SNR is calculated by subtracting the noise power from the signal power in dB. Alternatively, a digital oscilloscope and a software tool such as MATLAB can be used to capture the signal waveform and calculate its power alongside that of the noise through applying filters, FFTs, or other techniques. The SNR is then found by dividing the signal power by the noise power in dB. Lastly, some DSP systems have a built-in function or test mode that can measure SNR automatically, such as audio codecs with their SNR test mode that generates a test tone for measurement. This method is convenient yet not always available for all DSP systems.