How to conduct value chain analysis in hospitality?
The first step in conducting value chain analysis is to map out your value chain, which consists of the primary and support activities that your business performs. You can use a generic value chain model, such as the one developed by Michael Porter, or customize it to suit your specific industry and business. For example, a typical value chain for a hotel might include the following primary activities: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. The support activities might include: infrastructure, human resource management, technology development, and procurement.
The second step is to analyze each activity in your value chain and evaluate its contribution to the value creation and the cost structure. You can use various methods and tools, such as SWOT analysis, benchmarking, customer feedback, and financial ratios, to assess the performance and efficiency of each activity. You can also identify the linkages and interdependencies between the activities and how they affect the overall value chain.
The third step is to identify the opportunities and challenges for improvement and innovation in your value chain. You can use the results of your analysis to formulate strategies and actions that can enhance your value proposition, reduce your costs, increase your quality, and improve your customer satisfaction and loyalty. You can also prioritize the activities that have the most impact on your competitive advantage and focus on them.