How do you measure and demonstrate the impact and value of robotics education and entertainment?
Robotics is a fascinating and multidisciplinary field that can offer many benefits for education and entertainment. However, how do you measure and demonstrate the impact and value of robotics activities and projects? In this article, you will learn some tips and strategies to evaluate and showcase your robotics work, whether you are a teacher, a student, a hobbyist, or a professional.
Dharunkumar Senthilkumar| Machine Learning, Robotics and Control | MSc MPSYS at Chalmers University |
Lukas M. ZieglerRobotics evangelist @ planet Earth ?? | Increasing visibility and helping people understand your robots!
Joao Gomes-MotaCo-Founder at Albatroz Engineering, Member of the Board at APANT - Associa??o Portuguesa de Aeronaves N?o Tripuladas