Depending on the type and complexity of your web animation, you may need different tools and techniques to create and implement it. CSS animations and transitions are native to the web, widely supported by modern browsers, and have good performance and accessibility features. However, they have some limitations in terms of timing, sequencing, and interactivity. SVG animations are vector-based graphics that can be animated with CSS, JavaScript, or SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language). They are scalable, lightweight, and can create complex shapes and effects but may not be compatible with older browsers. JavaScript libraries such as GSAP, Anime.js, or Three.js can handle complex animations, interactions, and 3D effects but may add extra load time, dependencies, and compatibility issues to your website. Lastly, Canvas and WebGL elements can render graphics and animations with JavaScript or WebGL (Web Graphics Library) but are not accessible by default, require more coding skills, and may not work well on mobile devices or low-end computers.