The first step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to assess your exposure to different climate hazards and scenarios. This means identifying and quantifying the potential impacts of climate change on your assets, operations, and markets. For example, you can use historical data, climate models, and risk assessment tools to estimate how droughts, floods, heat waves, storms, and wildfires could affect your power generation capacity, fuel supply, transmission lines, cooling water availability, and maintenance costs. You can also evaluate how your exposure varies across different regions, technologies, and time horizons.
...........but, the weather is changing.......Storms and Tornado's are attacking from all directions, Do We HAVE TIME? The destruction is occurring faster than new construction can replace the housing units lost....
Em 2021, altera??es nos modelos de forma??o de pre?os de energia trouxeram volatilidade ao mercado energético brasileiro. O PLD passou a ser calculado em intervalos horários pelo DESSEM. De lá pra cá o Brasil enfrentou extremos meteorológicos, resultando em pre?os consistentemente próximos ao piso ou teto regulatório desde Julho/2021. Apesar das nuances do DESSEM, na minha opini?o, os fatores climáticos foram o verdadeiro catalisador desse fen?meno, já que um modelo matemático apenas reproduz a realidade.
Adaptation is key also to survival. If for instance a usally warm area starts getting hotter due to climate change, then the smart use of the change is to implement the use of solar panels.
The second step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to adapt your infrastructure to cope with the changing conditions and reduce your vulnerability. This means investing in measures that enhance the resilience, flexibility, and efficiency of your power generation facilities and networks. For example, you can upgrade your equipment and materials, diversify your fuel sources, install backup generators, improve your water management, increase your storage capacity, and deploy smart grid technologies. You can also consider relocating or decommissioning some of your assets that are more exposed or less profitable.
Em Setembro de 2023, após meses de estabilidade, o PLD horário (DESSEM) divergiu das previs?es semanais (DECOMP), elevando os custos em certas horas e impactando o PLD médio diário e mensal. Vale frisar que no Mercado Livre de Energia Brasileiro, o produto mais negociado é baseado na média mensal dos pre?os. Isso revelou a necessidade de compreender o comportamento do DESSEM, além de projetar via DECOMP. Os pre?os de mercado n?o consideravam o risco de descolamento entre os modelos, exigindo urgente precifica??o. A partir deste momento, algumas comercializadoras de energia largaram na frente e passaram a refor?ar suas análises baseadas também no modelo DESSEM.
The third step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to diversify your portfolio to capture new opportunities and mitigate losses. This means expanding your product and service offerings, exploring new markets and customers, and integrating renewable and low-carbon sources into your power mix. For example, you can provide ancillary services, demand response, energy efficiency, and distributed generation solutions to your clients, enter into new partnerships and contracts with other power generators and distributors, and invest in solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal power plants. You can also participate in carbon markets and green financing schemes.
The search for a diversified energy generation matrix is the way to face possible uncertainties, especially in a matrix like the Brazilian one, which is made up of more than 60% hydroelectric plants.
For a utility that hasn't already taken steps to keep up with the changing market, the first step is to catch up with the basic Solar and Wind resources that are rich locally. This can be done directly, in the form of utility scale solar and wind farms with careful site planning and financing, or indirectly, with Community Solar Gardens (CSGs), individual prosumers and other consumer funded projects. In both cases, you want to get an early understanding of how the renewable generation portfolio will affect the loading at your traditional plants, how you can maximise the value of power generated via Battery Energy Storage (BES) and finally how you can accommodate the more distributed generation of Prosumers and CSGs.
The fourth step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to monitor and update your plans and actions based on the latest information and feedback. This means collecting and analyzing data, indicators, and trends on the climate, the market, and your performance. For example, you can use sensors, meters, satellites, and software to track the weather, the demand, the prices, and the emissions of your power generation activities. You can also conduct regular audits, reviews, and evaluations to measure your progress, identify gaps, and adjust your strategies and goals.
Depois de setembro/2023 outros meses também apresentaram descolamento e o mercado segue com a pergunta: Qual será o próximo mês que pode descolar? Em qual magnitude? Em qual dire??o? A pergunta “Em qual dire??o?” é factível por ser completamente possível o p?e?o também descolar para baixo. As p?evis?es diárias dos ventos, por exemplo, mostraram comportamento bastante volátil, mas nenhum impacto foi percebido dados que os pre?os já estavam piso regulatório. Em conversas com amigos de mercado, notei cada vez mais o enfoque em entender melhor o modelo DESSEM, operar com cuidado produtos mais suscetíveis a ele e, em alguns casos, nem correr este risco…
The fifth step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to engage and collaborate with your stakeholders and peers to share knowledge, best practices, and solutions. This means communicating and consulting with your employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, investors, and communities on your climate risks and opportunities, your adaptation and mitigation actions, and your expectations and needs. For example, you can provide training, awareness, and incentives to your staff, offer transparent and reliable information and services to your customers, establish long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with your suppliers, comply with and influence the policies and standards of your regulators, disclose and report your climate performance and impacts to your investors, and support and participate in the initiatives and programs of your communities.
The sixth step to managing the risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate is to innovate and learn from your experiences and challenges. This means developing and implementing new technologies, processes, and business models that improve your competitiveness, sustainability, and adaptability. For example, you can research and test new materials, designs, and methods that enhance your power generation efficiency, reliability, and quality. You can also experiment and pilot new products, services, and markets that meet the changing needs and preferences of your customers. You can also learn from your successes and failures, as well as from the best practices and lessons of other power generators and sectors.
Innovation and thinking outside the box are essential. In the Brazilian electricity market, for example, the Ministry of Mines and Energy is seeking to facilitate specific auctions for storage systems. The use of reversible hydroelectric plants could also be an extremely interesting solution to address environmental uncertainties and variations caused by alternative energy sources.
Consider Time Restraints..........we don't have any, we had better hurry up with research, development, manufacturing, and construction/installation moving right int operation and power management...........
To manage risks and uncertainties of power generation in a changing climate, conduct comprehensive climate risk assessments, incorporate climate data into models and forecasts, diversify energy sources, invest in resilient infrastructure, adopt adaptive management strategies, engage stakeholders, and stay informed about climate trends and regulatory changes.
Probably more than anything is understanding the potential regulatory environment. A thermal power plant is typically a fifty year investment. Green energy typically depends on subsidies or friendly regulations. In either case a sudden change in public policy can put a major capital investment in jeopardy.
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