How do you manage the risks of inconsistent or incomplete master file disclosures?
The master file is a key document in the transfer pricing documentation framework, providing a high-level overview of the multinational enterprise's (MNE's) global operations, policies, and value drivers. However, preparing and disclosing a consistent and complete master file can be challenging and risky, especially when dealing with different jurisdictions, formats, and requirements. In this article, you will learn how to manage the risks of inconsistent or incomplete master file disclosures and avoid potential penalties, disputes, and reputational damage.
Akshay KENKRETransfer Pricing & Tax Leader | Entrepreneur- Tax Content Creator- Author | Building the best TP-Tax firm | Guiding…
Shreya JainChartered Accountant |Transfer Pricing| International Taxation| Ex- BSR & CO LLP
CA Karan JainUAE Transfer Pricing Specialist I Decade in KPMG I Global Benchmarkings on Orbis - TP Catalyst, Loan Connector…