How do you manage multiple reporting lines and conflicting priorities in a matrix structure?
A matrix structure is a type of organizational design that assigns employees to multiple projects, teams, or managers simultaneously. It can foster innovation, collaboration, and flexibility, but it can also create challenges such as role ambiguity, power struggles, and conflicting priorities. How do you manage multiple reporting lines and conflicting priorities in a matrix structure? Here are some tips to help you navigate this complex environment.
Preston ChandlerDriving Innovation | Thought Leader | ? Agile | Lean | Human-Centered Design | Coaching | Organizational Development |…
Prakash Balasubramanian IyerSocial Entrepreneur | Angel Investor | Building entrepreneurial capacity at college level
Fredrick Okello MBA,BCOM, CIM,ABE,KIM,ICMStrategic Leader in FMCG, Retail, Banking & NGO | Expert in Driving Business Growth, Market Expansion & Operational…