Interaction is the way users communicate with your forms and elements, such as clicking, typing, tapping, swiping, or speaking. Interaction should be flexible and adaptable, so that users can choose the method that suits their preferences, abilities, or devices. Offer multiple ways of interaction for your forms and elements, such as mouse, keyboard, touch, voice, or gesture. Use the <input> element with different types and attributes to create various kinds of inputs, such as text, number, date, checkbox, radio, range, or file. Use the <button> element with different values and attributes to create different kinds of buttons, such as submit, reset, or toggle. Use the <select> element with the <option> or <optgroup> elements to create dropdown menus or lists. Use the <audio>, <video>, or <iframe> elements with the <source> or <track> elements to embed media or external content. Use the ARIA roles and attributes to define the role and state of your elements, such as role="button", role="slider", aria-expanded="true", or aria-pressed="false".