To implement ECC using HDLs, you must first choose a scheme that meets your requirements and constraints, such as the size of the memory device, the error rate and correction capability, the latency and throughput, and the area and power consumption. Next, you must design the ECC encoder and decoder modules with HDLs like Verilog or VHDL. You can use existing libraries or codes that implement common ECC schemes, or you can write your own code based on the mathematical principles and algorithms of the ECC scheme. After that, use HDL tools such as ModelSim or Vivado to simulate and verify your ECC design. To check functionality and correctness, you can use test benches, test vectors, assertions, and coverage metrics. You can also use fault injection techniques to simulate different types of errors and evaluate performance and robustness. Finally, synthesize and implement your ECC design with Quartus or ISE. Utilize synthesis options, constraints, and reports to optimize your ECC design for area, speed, and power. Use placement and routing tools to map your ECC design to the physical layout of the memory device in order to generate the corresponding netlist and bitstream files. Lastly, integrate and test your ECC design with the memory device and the rest of the VLSI system by using hardware prototyping boards, logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, and debuggers to observe its behavior under various conditions.