How do you implement dark mode or theme switching with CSS variables?
Dark mode is a popular feature that allows users to switch between a light and a dark theme for a website or an app. It can improve readability, reduce eye strain, and save battery life. In this article, you will learn how to implement dark mode or theme switching with CSS variables, a powerful tool that lets you define and reuse values for custom properties.
Ph?m ?ình Thi?n??Lead Software Engineer @ MISA JSC | Youtube “Ph?m ?ình Thi?n - T?i ?u Frontend”
Tapesh DuaSoftware Engineer @Geeksforgeeks || Knight @Leetcode || Fullstack Developer || C++ & DSA || Top Front-end Coding Voice…
GULLAPALLI JYOTHI PRAKASHGraduate Trainee at HCLTECH || Front-End Web Developer || RWD || Javascript || React js ll Git & GitHub || API