How do you handle resistance in planning?
Planning is a crucial skill for any project, but it can also encounter resistance from different stakeholders. How do you handle resistance in planning and ensure that your plan is aligned with the goals, expectations, and needs of everyone involved? In this article, you will learn some strategies and tips to overcome resistance in planning and foster collaboration and trust among your team and clients.
Hitesh ChopraStrategic IT Leadership and Digital transformation executive, Certified Independent Director, EXECUTIVE MBA INSEAD…
Alexandre GrigorieffDiretor Adjunto de Opera??o na Copelmi Minera??o Ltda
Oseghale Okohue BEngr. Msc. MBA. DBA. Prince2?PractitionerAccredited NEC4 ECC Project Manager & Snr. P6 Planner | EPICM, Offshore Engineering, Renewable Energy (HVDC & HVAC…