The first step is to segment your prospects into different categories based on their level of interest, urgency, and readiness to buy. For example, you can use the BANT framework (Budget, Authority, Need, and Timing) to qualify your prospects and assign them a score. This will help you prioritize your follow-up activities and tailor your messages to each segment.
The second step is to use a customer relationship management (CRM) system to organize and track your prospects. A CRM system can help you store and update your prospect information, schedule and record your calls and emails, set reminders and alerts, and measure your performance. A CRM system can also help you automate some of the repetitive tasks, such as sending follow-up emails or booking appointments.
The third step is to nurture your prospects with relevant and valuable content that educates them, builds trust, and moves them along the sales cycle. Depending on the stage of your prospect, you can use different types of content, such as blog posts, case studies, webinars, white papers, or testimonials. The goal is to provide your prospects with the information they need to make a decision and overcome any objections or doubts.
The fourth step is to close the deal with your prospects who are ready to buy. This is the stage where you need to use your persuasion and negotiation skills to convince your prospects that your advertising solution is the best fit for their needs and goals. You also need to handle any last-minute questions or concerns, and make sure you have a clear and written agreement on the terms and conditions of the sale.
The fifth step is to follow up and retain your customers after the sale. This is the stage where you need to deliver on your promises, provide excellent customer service, and ensure customer satisfaction. You also need to keep in touch with your customers, ask for feedback, and offer additional value or support. The goal is to build long-term relationships, generate referrals, and create loyal advocates for your brand.
The sixth step is to review and improve your sales process and performance. This is the stage where you need to analyze your data, measure your results, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You also need to seek feedback from your customers, peers, and managers, and learn from your successes and failures. The goal is to continuously improve your skills, knowledge, and strategies, and grow as an advertising sales professional.
It requires an absolute strategic approach, with 100% focused to handle multiple prospects at different stages of Sales cycle, Specially in "Media/Advertising Sales" where the changes occur on daily basis. If you're not innovative in "Advertising Selling", it'll be an Up hill task for you to handle multiple prospects in different sales cycle and that too in same time. I quote an example here of myself, We meet different clients on daily basis, from Multi-National (C-Suites executives) to small business man who run their small shops/business. As a sales guy you need to cope us ASAP. Following are some points to follow: * Prioritize Prospects * Create Sales Funnel * Segment your prospects * Set clear goals * Use CRM * update Daily Report