Before you start any project, it's important to have a clear understanding of the project scope and goals. What are the expected deliverables, timelines, and quality standards? Who are the stakeholders, sponsors, and customers? How will you measure the project success and communicate the progress? Document these details and share them with your project team members so everyone is on the same page and knows what they are working towards.
To establish a positive and productive team culture, effective communication, a common vision, and a culture of appreciation are paramount. As a leader, one needs to empower team members for success and recognize their efforts. One of the best ways a leader can empower a team is by showing through example. Before the start of any project, the team must be well aware of the collective goal and the individual tasks that map to achieving the goal. Once the scope is clear, enough room should be given to team members to maneuver, fail, learn and collaborate along with regular team huddles to address gaps and brainstorm. These practices will prepare a team for high productivity and boost motivation.
Fostering a positive team culture involves clear communication, recognition, and encouraging collaboration. Providing growth opportunities, leading by example, and promoting work-life balance are crucial. Celebrating successes and offering feedback and support create a supportive environment. Motivating team members involves understanding their needs: recognizing strengths, setting clear goals, granting autonomy, offering incentives, and having regular check-ins. By combining these strategies, tailored to your team, you can create a culture that boosts motivation and productivity.
As an executive assistant, fostering a positive and productive team culture while motivating team members can be a bit tricky, especially when you're influencing people who aren’t direct reports. First off, lead by example. Show up with a positive attitude, be approachable, and stay organized. When people see you handling things smoothly and staying upbeat, they’re more likely to follow suit. Next is communication. Keep everyone in the loop with clear, friendly updates. Whether it’s via email, quick chats, or team meetings, make sure people know what’s going on and feel heard. Sometimes just lending an ear can go a long way in making someone feel valued and motivated.
Building trust is the first area to help foster a positive and productive team culture. Build that trust by: - delegating tasks, showing that you are trusting individuals to complete a task to your standard (or better!) - being transparent: share when things are going well or aren't going so well, showing that "human side" - Feedback: give constructive feedback and be open to receiving it, creating a 2 way respect I like to take interest in the team and what their goals are, and then think about how I can help them achieve that goal. Maybe I have a particular skill I can share, or maybe I can just cheerlead from the sidelines, but either way it is important to show you are rooting for the team and their goals, helping them be productive
Ensure that everyone understands the team’s goals and their individual roles in achieving them. Clear, measurable objectives help team members stay focused and aligned. Use Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals to provide clear direction and milestones.
One of the key factors that influence team culture is the level of trust and rapport among team members. Establish a positive and respectful relationship with each team member, and encourage them to interact and collaborate with each other. You can do this by showing genuine interest in their opinions and concerns, acknowledging their contributions and achievements, and addressing any conflicts or issues promptly and constructively. You can also use various tools and platforms to facilitate communication and collaboration, such as email, chat, video conferencing, and project management software.
In my experience, building trust among team members is easy when you lead by example. It is important to show your team that you respect them. When they see your positive interactions with their peers, they will follow suit.
Having a great team culture is imperative for any team leader and their team. Regularly have meetings, i.e. 1:1 full team. Find out what they eant to see, how they wish to be involved and any ideas they may have for more strategic involvement. Invite speakers of relevance to attend team meetings and suggest upskilling or courses on LinkedIn.
Building relations is crucial part of work in any related field and brings greater engagement increases productivity. Offer Value / Be reliable . This will automatically create more trust. Communicate well and clear . Respect and value . Deliver quality work and make sure to make it on time Deliver promises or requests . Support team members and appreciate while being authentic.
In our role, relationships are key. You’re not only building relationships on behalf of yourself but also on behalf of your exec and the company too. It’s our role, as an extension of them, to ensure the wider team feel supported, listened to and cared about. It’s important we spend time building these relationships, getting to know the team, providing support, gathering feedback, listing to that feedback and acting on it and keeping our execs in the loop.
I believe that consistent honesty and clear communication, even when delivering difficult news, fosters trust with colleagues, the CEO, and stakeholders. Genuinely listening to concerns and perspectives of others with empathy helps to create an environment for collaboration and inclusivity which will encourage team participation in decision-making.
Another way to foster a positive team culture is to empower your team members to take ownership of their tasks and responsibilities. Assign clear roles and expectations to each team member based on their skills, strengths, and interests, and provide them with the necessary resources and support to perform their work. Trust them to make decisions and solve problems within their scope of authority, and avoid micromanaging or interfering with their work. By delegating and empowering your team members, you can boost their confidence, creativity, and motivation, and also free up your own time to focus on other aspects of the project.
Strategic delegation and empowerment are key components of motivating team members and cultivating a positive and productive team culture. Assign duties and responsibilities according to each team member's unique strengths to foster a sense of accountability and ownership. Encouraging people to make decisions in their areas of expertise, in my opinion, fosters innovation and collaboration in addition to boosting confidence. To create a culture where everyone feels appreciated, promote open communication and pay attention to their opinions. Combining empowerment and delegation results in a team atmosphere where everyone's contributions are valued, which boosts morale and fosters a common commitment to attaining success as a group.
To foster a positive team culture, encourage open communication, promote collaboration, offer growth opportunities, lead by example, and celebrate successes. Create a comfortable environment where team members can express themselves, support each other, and expand their skills. Model the behavior and values you want to see in your team and acknowledge their achievements. With consistent effort, you can create a thriving and enjoyable work environment.
Foster a positive team culture through open communication, recognition, and collaboration. Motivate by aligning individual goals with team objectives, providing professional development, and acknowledging contributions. Team-building activities strengthen bonds and boost morale.
As Chief of Staff, my approach to delegation and empowerment fosters a positive and motivational team culture. I carefully match tasks to individual strengths and development needs, ensuring challenge and growth opportunities. Additionally, I clearly communicate goals, deadlines, and expectations while offering necessary resources and support to ensure success because I feel it's important to be supportive. Constructive feedback and celebrating achievements also help motivate individuals and reinforce positive behaviors.
First and foremost, you want to make sure that you supervise and train your team on everything that you know related to getting any project done that is provided. That helps you delegate and work on team empowerment very easily while ensuring that everyone on the team is competent to manage all of the project at one’s own shoulders.
Feedback and recognition are essential for motivating and empowering your project team members. Provide regular and constructive feedback to your team members — both individually and collectively — on their performance, achievements, and areas for improvement. Highlight their strengths and successes, and offer suggestions and guidance on how to overcome their challenges and difficulties. Recognize and reward your team members for their efforts and results, both formally and informally, by sending a thank-you note, giving a shout-out, or presenting a certificate or a gift card.
In my opinion, feedback is key. Both positive and constructive. Fostering a culture that is feedback-centric will enable people to grow, feel appreciates and also ensure the team can drive towards the mission faster. Here’s some tips for giving feedback: - Learn how your team like to receive feedback to ensure it lands as intended - Be honest and be specific, don’t just tell them how they did something wrong but provide ways to improve for next time - Be open to questions, they might need to understand deeper. Take the time to walk through it with them - Not everybody is great at taking feedback so ensure your paying attention to the persons reaction - Feedback can also be positive, don’t JUST share feedback when it’s constructive
Positive team culture is a great goal, open honest communication with respect is a key to this type of atmosphere in the work environment. This takes time and commitment to delivering accurate and on time support. With your proven track-record you build faith and trust, this is a great path toward a mutually respectful collaborative teamwork structure.
Feedback is crucial in a work environment!Highlight your team mates strength and offer solutions to where you see them fall short !
Providing positive feedback and even constructive criticism is a way to enable growth amongst team. Awarding or recognizing value and great talents pushes the team members to do more and creates a condusive environment for growth
Encourage your team members to learn new skills, acquire new knowledge, and explore new opportunities that are relevant to the project or their career goals. You can do this by providing them with access to training courses, webinars, workshops, mentors, or coaches, or by allowing them to take on new challenges or responsibilities within the project. You can also create a culture of learning by sharing best practices, tips, resources, and lessons learned with your team members, and by soliciting and applying their feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Who doesn’t love to grow and learn. People at workplace like to learn new things however add some good elements to absorb that knowledge. Every knowledge and training cannot be a a lonely way of just consuming through a Screen. Add some fun elements to it and make it deliver through an expert person . Face to face interaction is valued . This in return will help both the employee and organisation to compound the benefits of new acquired knowledge.
Unterstützen Sie die Motivation und Neugier, Neues zu lernen oder Kenntnisse zu verbessern, indem Sie vielf?ltige, niedrigschwellige Lernangebote bereithalten. Das k?nnen zum einen verschiedene Workshop-Angebote und Online-Trainings externer Anbieter sein, aber nutzen Sie auch das interne Wissen im Unternehmen/ Team - "Sharing is caring": - Teammitglieder k?nnen Workshops leiten, in denen sie spezielles Fachwissen oder F?higkeiten mit anderen teilen. - Wissensdatenbanken: Erstellung einer zentralen digitalen Bibliothek, wo Dokumente, Tutorials und FAQs gespeichert werden. - Peer-Mentoring: Etablierung eines Mentoringsystems, bei dem erfahrenere Teammitglieder ihr Wissen an neue oder weniger erfahrene Kollegen weitergeben.
EAs may not have the authority to allocate budgets for training, but that doesn't mean we can't contribute to their development. Begin by sharing your knowledge – all of it. Share it even if you think others may not be interested. True leaders aspire to pass on their knowledge to progress in their careers. Depending on the tools your company uses, you can create a knowledge database in Confluence, OneNote, or Notion. Make these resources public, unless they contain sensitive information. If your company offers opportunities to conduct workshops, seize them! Don't underestimate the impact your best practices can have on others. What is the one thing you are recognized for the most? Make sure you share your superpower to multiply it.
Es gibt mehrere Tipps aus der Praxis: 1) Kommuniziere klar Deine Erwartungen die "Ziele" und "Regeln" des Unternehmens. 2) dann besprich individuell mit dem Team und den einzelnen Personen, wie am Besten zusammen gearbeitet wird - testet ob es klappt, wenn Nein, ver?ndert es. 3) Schafft We-Termine, 1:1 Meetings und Me-Time / hier hilft Time Boxing hilft bei der Konzentration. 4) Schafft eine Stimmung der psychologischen Sicherheit im Team, das führt zu Vertrauen und guter Zusammenarbeit - das ist die Verantwortung aller, nicht nur der Führungskraft. 5) Querdenker und solche, die sich weigern positiv beizutragen oder sich nicht in das Team einfügen sind kontraproduktiv: das Team ist immer wichtiger als der Einzelne.
Providing team members with a clear path for growth and development within the organization is crucial to foster high-performing individuals. Offering mentorship programs, training opportunities, and chances to build and apply new skills can contribute to employee satisfaction and loyalty. These strategies can significantly bolster talent acquisition and retention efforts, ensuring that the organization attracts and retains high-performing employees.
As an EA, your an extension of your CEO. Your role helps support them foster an amazing culture within their business. Your the ears on the ground, so listen to feedback and share this back. Be the voice of the wider employees when decisions are being made. Think “what would I love / need as en employee”. Ensure your driving transparency. Keep it fresh.
Everyone loves a meeting with free food--so bring snacks that everyone can enjoy. Also make it fun! Once the business aspect of the meeting has been completed, surprise your team with something creative, like a quirky trivia contest or a hands-on art activity. This is a great opportunity to think outside of the box, have people work together and get a bunch of laughs in!
Administrative Assistants can witness firsthand the transformative power of a positive and productive team culture. It's not just about creating a pleasant work environment; it's about how you maintain the atmosphere that fuels motivation, drives innovation, and cultivates a sense of belonging. For me, the top one-liners to think about would be: Open Communication Celebrate Successes Promote Collaboration Professional Development (CPD) funded by the org Prioritize Well-being
Briony Baxter
Senior Executive Assistant at McKinsey & Company | Mental Health and Wellbeing speaker
As an EA, we have more influence and impact than we realise. If times are tough in your team or morale is low - spreading positivity and keeping the mood up is super important. Negativity breeds even quicker so if you can do at the forefront of supporting your stakeholders and colleagues with a positive attitude, it will go a long way!
Reflectively exam your org’s core values & your team’s goals. Encourage & value transparency for free-flowing communication. Establish mechanisms for feedback & ideas. Celebrate diversity, equity, inclusion & acceptance. Recognize & appreciate unique backgrounds, perspectives & skills team members bring to unlock creativity & innovation as diverse viewpoints are explored. Team-build with retreats & skill building workshops. Acknowledge & celebrate success - big & small & individual & collective. Boost morale, motivation, continued excellence & strengthen the team. Provide PD opps - trainings, mentorship/coaching. Embrace flexibility & adaptability & allow teams to navigate & thrive amidst change with flexible work arrangements & new tech.
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