Sometimes, you may encounter situations where the call script and quality standards are not sufficient or appropriate for the caller's issue or request. For example, the caller may ask an unexpected question, express a strong emotion, or make a complaint. In these cases, you need to use your judgment, creativity, and problem-solving skills to handle the deviations. To help you with this, you should first acknowledge the caller's concern or feedback and show that you care. Apologize if necessary and thank them for their patience or cooperation. Then, assess the caller's situation and needs and identify the root cause of the deviation. Ask open-ended questions, clarify details, and summarize key points. Finally, adapt your call script and quality standards to suit the caller's situation and needs. Offer solutions, alternatives, or referrals that can address the caller's issue or request. Explain the benefits, risks, and consequences of each option. All while avoiding interrupting, arguing, making assumptions, using jargon, or giving false promises.