Your hardware interface documentation should provide a comprehensive overview of your robot hardware, its components, features, and specifications. It should also include a diagram or schematic of the hardware architecture, showing how the components are connected to the ROS system. Furthermore, you should list the ROS nodes running on your hardware, their names, namespaces, and functionalities. Additionally, a table should be included that details the ROS topics that your hardware publishes and subscribes to, their names, types, and meanings. Moreover, there should be a table with information about the ROS services that your hardware provides and calls, their names, types, and meanings. Additionally, you should also include a table about the ROS parameters that your hardware uses and sets, their names, types, defaults, and meanings. Lastly, a table about the ROS actions that your hardware supports and executes is necessary with information about their names, types, and meanings. Lastly, you must provide a description of how to install, configure, launch, and use your hardware interface with any dependencies or prerequisites included.