Once you have detected memory leaks in your app, you must fix them by removing unnecessary or dangling references, recycling large objects, unregistering system callbacks, and optimizing memory usage and performance. To do this effectively, use weak references or view models for objects that can outlive the activity or fragment lifecycle. Additionally, use static inner classes or lambda expressions for background tasks, and pass the activity or context as a weak reference or parameter. AndroidX lifecycle components such as LiveData, LifecycleObserver, and ViewModel can be used to manage the lifecycle of your objects and avoid memory leaks. Furthermore, Bitmap.recycle() method or the Glide library can be used to recycle or cache bitmaps or other large images. Context.getApplicationContext() method or the Dagger library can be used to inject context or other dependencies into your objects and avoid leaking activity or fragment context. Additionally, unregisterReceiver(), unregisterContentObserver(), or removeCallbacks() methods should be used to unregister broadcast receivers, content observers, or handlers registered in the app. Finally, NDK Analyzer tool or LeakSanitizer library can be used to detect and fix memory leaks in native code or libraries.