Designing a MVVM project requires following certain steps and guidelines, such as selecting a suitable cross-platform framework that supports data binding, defining the app's domain and data model, creating view models and binding them to views, and designing the views and binding them to view models. Such frameworks as Xamarin.Forms, Flutter, React Native, or Ionic enable developers to create native or hybrid apps with a common language and UI toolkit. The app's core should be consistent across all platforms and can be represented by classes, structs, enums, or interfaces. Data annotations, validations, or converters can be used to enforce the app's rules and logic. View models should be platform-agnostic and UI-agnostic. Properties, methods, events, or delegates can be used to expose the app's data and commands to views. Services, repositories, or patterns can be used to access or manipulate the app's data sources or resources. The presentation layer of the app should be platform-specific and UI-specific. Controls, layouts, styles, or templates can be used to display the app's data and UI elements. Events, gestures, or navigation can be used to handle the app's interaction and navigation.