To design a building that is both fire-safe and visually appealing, you need to develop a comprehensive fire safety strategy that covers the following aspects: prevention, detection, suppression, containment, evacuation, and rescue. Prevention involves reducing the sources of ignition and fuel, as well as implementing good housekeeping and maintenance practices. Detection involves installing and maintaining fire alarms and smoke detectors that can alert the occupants and the fire service. Suppression involves providing adequate fire-fighting equipment and systems, such as sprinklers, hoses, and extinguishers. Containment involves designing the building layout and the structural elements to limit the spread of fire and smoke, such as using fire doors, walls, floors, and ceilings. Evacuation involves providing safe and accessible routes and exits for the occupants to escape the building, as well as clear signage and lighting. Rescue involves facilitating the access and operation of the fire service and the emergency responders, such as providing fire hydrants, risers, and ventilation.