Another way to deal with feedback and recognition fatigue or burnout is to provide diverse and meaningful feedback and recognition to your community moderators and leaders. Diverse feedback and recognition means using different formats, channels, and sources to appreciate and motivate your community members. For example, you can use verbal, written, or visual feedback and recognition, such as comments, emails, badges, or certificates. You can also use different platforms, such as social media, forums, or newsletters, to showcase your community members' achievements. You can also use different perspectives, such as peer, user, or expert feedback and recognition, to validate and enrich your community members' contributions. Meaningful feedback and recognition means tailoring your feedback and recognition to your community members' preferences, needs, and values. For example, you can ask your community members how they like to receive feedback and recognition, what kind of feedback and recognition they find most helpful and rewarding, and what kind of feedback and recognition they want to avoid or minimize.