The first step is to understand the project requirements, such as the goals, deliverables, specifications, features, and functions of the product or service. You should also identify the quality criteria, standards, and regulations that apply to the project. This will help you to define the quality objectives and expectations for the project, as well as the risks and challenges that may affect the quality.
For every new project it is mandatory to submit PQP as per the Schedule Q requirements for approval. First understand the project's goals, scope, and deliverables. Identify critical success factors and quality expectations outlined in project requirements. Determine stakeholders involved in quality management. This includes project managers, QA Manager, QC Manager, Quality team, client representatives, and relevant departments. Outline step by step procedures for ensuring quality at each stage of the project. Define roles, responsibilities, and workflows for quality related activities. A well designed PQP serves as a roadmap for maintaining and improving quality standards and delivering high quality project outcomes.
In my opinion to set up a QA plan for a new project we need to 1)Involve the QA team early on. 2)Understand the project requirements and project goals. 3)Adopt a risk based approach and identify risk and communicate the identified risk to stakeholders. 4)Develop a test strategy and process. 5)Create a test plan inline with the above points.
As I would see it to set up a QA plan for another venture we want to 1)Involve the QA group almost immediately. 2)Understand the task prerequisites and undertaking objectives. 3)Adopt a gamble based approach and distinguish risk and impart the recognized gamble to partners. 4)Develop a test system and interaction. 5)Create a test plan inline with the above places.
The quality assurance plan must include validation of product functionality and process performance required by customer A basic list is created with scope of tests, timing and sample amount Cross functions e.g engineering, manufacturing, quality should be involved The plan must be negotiated and agreed before performing
A project quality plan outlines the systematic quality management of a project life cycle. It starts with knowing the needs and expectations of the customer, translating to critical to quality parameters and defining controls to meet the customer requirements.
The second step is to define the QA roles and responsibilities for the project, such as the QA manager, QA lead, QA analysts, testers, developers, and stakeholders. You should also assign the tasks, activities, and deliverables for each role, as well as the communication and reporting channels. This will help you to establish the accountability and authority of the QA team and ensure the coordination and collaboration among the project members.
When creating a Quality Assurance plan for a new video game, especially from the perspective of a QA Tester with extensive experience in the video game industry, it's crucial to understand the game's genre and research others in that category. Tailor your testing approach to match the game's unique features and requirements. Collaborate closely with the development team, engage early, and maintain a feedback loop. Define clear testing phases and prioritize documentation, all while keeping an eye on industry trends for continuous learning and improvement.
It's important to tailor the QA plan to the specific needs and requirements of the project, taking into account factors such as project size, complexity, and criticality Define Quality Objectives: Start by defining the quality objectives for the project. Identify Quality Standards: Identify the quality standards that will be used to measure the project's deliverables against Allocate Resources Define QA Processes: Define the QA processes that will be followed throughout the project lifecycle. Risk Management Define the testing strategy Quality Metrics: Define metrics to measure the quality of the project deliverables. Reporting: Define how QA activities and results will be reported to stakeholders. Training Continuous Improvement
Define objectives, scope, and testing approach. Allocate resources, design comprehensive test cases, establish roles, and responsibilities. Plan test execution, defect management, and continuous improvement. Document processes, implement training, and involve stakeholders for effective quality assurance.
In my experience, the QA plan should be tailored to the specific needs and characteristics of the project. Here are some ideas- 1. Define Objectives 2. Identify Stakeholders- 3. Set QA Standards 4. Define QA Processes 5. Allocate Resources 6. Risk Assessment 7. Testing Strategy 8. Test Environment Setup 9. Test Data Management 10. Test Case Development 11. Execution and Reporting 12. Automation Strategy 13. Documentation 14. Review and Approval 13. Continuous Improvement 14. Communication Plan 15. Training 16. Metrics and Reporting 17. Feedback Loop 18. Integration with Development
Die ausführende Qualit?t muss unabh?ngig sein von der Entwicklung. Es muss ein Eskalationsweg in der Qualit?tslinie aufgezeigt werden.
The third step is to choose the QA methods and tools that suit the project needs and characteristics. You should consider the type, size, complexity, and duration of the project, as well as the resources and budget available. You should also select the QA techniques, such as reviews, inspections, audits, testing, and monitoring, that will help you to verify and validate the quality of the project outputs. Moreover, you should choose the QA tools, such as software, hardware, frameworks, and platforms, that will support and automate the QA processes.
I saw several good suggestion, and interesting approaches. What I would point out is (i) data management (data population, accuracy, saming etc.) (II) interfaces between the new project and existing framework, namely working procedures and management procedures, (III) records management
In my opinion choosing various methods. techniques and tools are based on the project requirements. Here are few points to be considered 1. Project type, size, complexity and duration 2. Assess and estimate the resources, budget and tools for successful project execution 3. Ideally we have to various employ various techniques like code reviews, security review, testing of the code developed and deployed to test environment, continuous monitoring 4. During the test activities various tools need to be considered like test automation tools like Playwright, Selenium, Performance test tools like StresStimulus, Hardware like VMs, devices like Ipad select the most appropriate QA methods and tools to ensure the quality and success of your project.
The fourth step is to plan the QA activities and schedule for the project, such as the quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement. You should also align the QA activities and schedule with the project milestones and deliverables, as well as the stakeholder and customer feedback. This will help you to ensure that the QA activities are timely, efficient, and effective, and that they meet the quality objectives and expectations.
The fifth step is to document the QA plan for the project, using a clear, concise, and consistent format and language. You should also include the relevant information, such as the project overview, quality objectives, QA roles and responsibilities, QA methods and tools, QA activities and schedule, quality metrics and indicators, quality risks and mitigation strategies, and quality assurance report templates. This will help you to communicate and share the QA plan with the project members and stakeholders, as well as to monitor and evaluate the QA performance and results.
At a broader level it is What / When / Why & Who. Some prerequisites that cannot be ignored are Effort Estimation & Schedule. Now most of the generic areas are Overview / Scope / Out of Scope / Types of testing / Risks / Suspension & Resumption criteria / Escalation plan / Severity guidelines etc. What we must not miss is to how we are going to Enter & Exit and that also in a quantified manner. Information related to Effort & Schedule should be kept preferably in the form of links evolved from a configuration management tool. Would also like to emphasize on measurements as we want to measure the performance from bird’s-eye view perspective and that is how we improve & if your Org is CMMI3 or above than you understand the importance.
The sixth step is to review and update the QA plan for the project, based on the feedback, changes, and lessons learned from the QA activities and outcomes. You should also involve the project members and stakeholders in the review and update process, and seek their approval and endorsement. This will help you to ensure that the QA plan is relevant, accurate, and up-to-date, and that it reflects the quality status and issues of the project.
How to audit quality plans for projects ? The quality plan shou ld spec ify the type of aud its to be performed for the spec i fic case , the nature and extent of such aud its and how the resu lts of the aud its shou ld be used . Aud its may be used for severa l purposes , such as : a) to mon itor the imp lementation and effec tiveness of qua l ity p lans ; b) to mon itor and ver ify conform ity with spec i fied requ irements ; c) for survei l lance of externa l providers to the organ ization ; d) to provide independent ob j ec tive assessment, when requ ired , to meet the needs of cus tomers or other interes ted parties . NOTE ISO 19011 prov ides gu idance for the aud iting of management sys tems .
In my view reviewing and updating the QA plan is an essential part of ensuring that the quality assurance process remains effective and aligned with the project’s evolving needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through this process 1.Gather Feedback and incorporate the feedback 2.Analyze the QA activities, along with any changes coming in approach or scope and document them in plan 3.Identify areas of improvement 4.Communicate the updates 5.Implement and monitor 6.Conduct regular reviews. By following these steps, you can ensure that your QA plan remains dynamic and responsive to the needs of your project, ultimately leading to higher quality outcomes.
In my experience, the best way to undergo a quality plan in a project space is to scope the project in terms of a lifecycle approach. In that way quality is integrated into the plan from the inception to completion and if it’s a new product development to decline (remove the product from the market). If you follow a lifecycle approach and apply the different stages of a lifecycle, quality tools & metrics can be utilised & developed in a stepwise manner. It does make it more accessible to the project team and more often than not most accurate throughout the project. It provides a guide for which quality parameters must be met at various stages eg, clinical trial runs, validation, product. specs etc all fall in different life cycle stages.
@Lisa Bowden "Thank you for sharing your insights on implementing a quality plan in a project space. I completely agree with the lifecycle approach, as it provides a comprehensive framework for integrating quality from the project's inception to completion. The stepwise application of quality tools and metrics throughout the different stages not only enhances accuracy but also makes it more accessible for the project team. I appreciate your emphasis on guiding quality parameters at various stages, such as clinical trial runs, validation, and product specifications. It indeed seems like a well-structured and effective strategy for ensuring overall project quality."
One thing I've noticed is that there's always a major Stakeholder who believes there is already a current Quality Assurance plan in place. So review the As-Is process first, prior to creating one from scratch. For any project this will gain you more buy-in than anything else.
Lessons learned is always important as much can be learned and improved for future projects. This should focus on all three PM pilars of Time, Cost & Quality.
One of the biggest areas to include are user stories and customer acceptance tests that would be best for QA to focus on to meet customer quality expectations.
You should also consider "the QA plan", it should be a living document that evolves as the project progresses. Regularly monitor and evaluate the QA processes to ensure they remain effective and aligned with the project's objectives. Last but not least, your past experience is there to become a reference (not literally become the go to approach). Because, each and every project is unique. Therefore, you need to create a different approach/plan following the condition/request/stakeholder request.
Obtain top-management buy-in and support for creating a quality assurance plan for the new project. When executives are on board with the plan, they are more likely to provide the necessary resources, including budget, staffing, and training. This endorsement creates a culture of uncompromising quality, empowering teams to carry out assurance activities effectively for the new project and in the future.
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