To create a Git tag, you need to use the git tag command, followed by the name of the tag and the commit ID that you want to tag. For example, if you want to create a tag called v1.0 for the latest commit, you can run: git tag v1.0 If you want to tag a specific commit, you can use its hash or a relative reference, such as HEAD~1 for the previous commit. For example, if you want to create a tag called bugfix for the second-last commit, you can run: git tag bugfix HEAD~1 You can also add a message to your tag, using the -a option for an annotated tag, or the -m option for a lightweight tag. Annotated tags store more information, such as the author, date, and message of the tag, while lightweight tags only store the name and the commit ID. For example, if you want to create an annotated tag called v1.0 with a message, you can run: git tag -a v1.0 -m "First release"