When you have your customer journey and touchpoints, selecting and prioritizing your channels is the next step. You need to consider which channels are most effective and efficient for communicating with your audience at each stage, as well as how to balance your budget, resources, and time among them. Additionally, you should align your channels with your goals and metrics. This can help optimize reach, engagement, and conversion rates. To select and prioritize channels, criteria such as channel fit, performance, cost, scalability, and testing should be taken into account. Channel fit looks at how well the channel matches your product, audience, message, and goal. Channel performance evaluates how well it delivers on metrics and KPIs. Channel cost examines the amount of money, time, and effort it requires. Channel scalability assesses how easy it is to scale up or down the channel depending on your needs and results. Lastly, channel testing considers how easy it is to test different variations of the channel.