If you are interested in applying split-plot designs in your healthcare research, you can use the following steps. First, identify the factors that you want to test and their levels, and decide which factors are more suitable for randomizing at the group level (whole plots) and which ones at the individual level (split plots). Then, determine the number and size of the whole plots and split plots that you need, based on your research question, hypothesis, outcome, and sample size calculation. Afterward, randomly assign the whole plots to the different levels of the whole plot factor, using a suitable randomization method such as simple randomization, stratified randomization, or block randomization. Similarly, randomly assign the split plots within each whole plot to the different levels of the split plot factor. Finally, implement the treatments according to the assigned levels of the factors and collect data on the outcome and any covariates or confounders. Afterwards, analyze your data using appropriate statistical methods and software such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), mixed models, or generalized linear mixed models.