Using code examples is an effective way to communicate with other programmers. Code examples are useful for demonstrating skills, explaining ideas, and seeking feedback. When using code examples, you should ensure that the code is properly formatted with the
tag, that it is commented to explain the logic and purpose of the code, and that it follows meaningful and consistent naming conventions. Additionally, indentation, spacing, and brackets should be used to structure your code. If your audience is not familiar with your language or framework, you may also use pseudocode or simplified code. Lastly, online tools or platforms such as GitHub, CodePen, or Stack Overflow can be used to share your code examples.
###### Respect diversity and etiquette
Finally, communication is also about respecting diversity and etiquette when interacting with other programmers. Diversity means recognizing and appreciating the differences and similarities among programmers in terms of culture, background, identity, opinion, and style. Etiquette means following the norms and rules of conduct that govern the behavior and communication of programmers in different settings and situations. For example, you should respect the code of conduct of the communities or organizations you belong to or participate in. You should also be polite, courteous, and professional when communicating with other programmers, and avoid offensive, rude, or inappropriate language or behavior.
######Here’s what else to consider
This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?