Implementing data classification requires a systematic and consistent process. Firstly, you must define your data classification policy, which outlines the objectives, scope, roles, responsibilities, and procedures for data classification in your organization. It should also define the criteria and standards for each data category, as well as the security measures and controls for each level. Secondly, you must inventory your data by identifying and locating all the structured and unstructured data you have across all systems, devices, and platforms. Tools such as data discovery, data mapping, and data cataloging can assist with this step. Thirdly, assign roles and responsibilities to individuals or groups who are accountable for the creation, maintenance, and security of each data set. Data owners should have the authority and knowledge to classify their data and enforce the data classification policy. Fourthly, label your data with tags that indicate its category, sensitivity, and security requirements. Tools such as metadata management, data labeling, and data encryption can help with this step. Lastly, audit and monitor your data by reviewing its accuracy and effectiveness of your data classification as well as detecting any changes or incidents that may affect it. Data quality, data governance, and data security tools can assist with this step.