Leaders can use various feedback models and frameworks to give and receive feedback effectively. The SBI model, for instance, stands for Situation, Behavior, and Impact and helps structure feedback in an objective way. It involves describing the situation where the behavior occurred, the behavior itself, and the impact of the behavior on the feedback giver, team, or organization. Alternatively, the STAR model stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result and is designed to be constructive and solution-oriented. It requires describing the situation where a challenge or opportunity was faced, the task to be accomplished, the action taken, and the result achieved. The AID model stands for Action, Impact, and Development and is intended to be supportive and developmental. It focuses on the action taken by the feedback receiver, its impact on themselves or others, and development suggestions or opportunities that can be pursued. Finally, the COIN model stands for Context, Observation, Interpretation, and Next steps and is designed to be respectful and actionable. It involves describing the context where feedback is relevant, an observation about behavior or performance made by the feedback giver, their interpretation of this observation, and next steps proposed or agreed upon with the feedback receiver.