Once you have defined your brand essence, you need to communicate it to your target audience in a compelling and consistent way. This means choosing the right words, visuals, and channels to convey your brand's personality, tone, and message. One way to do this is to use the brand identity prism, a framework that helps you align your brand expression with your brand essence. The brand identity prism consists of six facets: physique, personality, culture, relationship, reflection, and self-image. Physique is the physical appearance and style of your brand, such as your logo, colors, fonts, and packaging. Personality is the human traits and characteristics of your brand, such as your voice, attitude, and emotions. Culture is the values and beliefs that shape your brand's behavior and identity, such as your mission, vision, and purpose. Relationship is the type and quality of interaction you have with your customers, such as your service, loyalty, and trust. Reflection is the image and perception that your customers have of your brand, such as your reputation, positioning, and differentiation. Self-image is the image and perception that your customers have of themselves when they use your brand, such as their aspirations, needs, and motivations.