How do you apply design ethnography to identify unmet user needs and opportunities?
Design ethnography is a research approach that helps you understand the context, culture, and behaviors of your users by immersing yourself in their environment and observing them in action. It can help you identify unmet user needs and opportunities for innovation that might not be revealed by surveys, interviews, or other methods. In this article, you will learn how to apply design ethnography to your projects and what benefits it can bring to your design process.
Caio AlmeidaPeople-centric Strategy, CX, UX, Consumer Insights, Foresight, Speaker
María Laura Ramírez GalleguillosInvestigadora Independiente | Innovación y Dise?o Social | Facilitación y Consultoría de Impacto social | Dra. en…
Niloufar AtapourSales Administrator - Base Metal | Sales, Design Research