Trend research can be a great tool for generating, evaluating, and testing product names that are relevant, memorable, and distinctive. To start, use brainstorming techniques such as mind mapping, word association, or wordplay to generate product name ideas based on the themes, keywords, and messages that emerge from your trend research. You can also use online tools like NameMesh, Namelix, or Squadhelp to generate or suggest product name ideas. Afterward, evaluate your product name ideas based on the criteria and objectives you defined from your trend research. Utilize a scoring system, checklist, or matrix to rank your product name ideas according to factors such as relevance, clarity, uniqueness, appeal, or availability. Additionally, you can use online tools like Namechk, Trademarkia, or Knowem to check the availability of your product name ideas across domains, social media platforms, and trademarks. Lastly, test your product name ideas with your target audience and stakeholders by using surveys, polls, interviews or focus groups to get feedback from potential customers and partners. Online tools like PickFu, UsabilityHub or SurveyMonkey can also be used to conduct online tests and surveys on your product name ideas. Use the feedback you receive to refine, eliminate or select your product name ideas.