Interpreting your tree testing results can help you understand how well your IA works for users and where you need to make improvements. To do this, consider metrics and indicators such as success rate, time, clicks, directness, pogo-sticking, and first-click. A high success rate suggests that your IA is clear and intuitive, while a low success rate implies the opposite. Short time indicates that your IA is efficient and easy to navigate, while a long time implies complexity or cumbersomeness. Few clicks imply directness and simplicity, while many clicks suggest indirectness or complication. High directness shows consistency and logic in your IA, while a low directness reveals inconsistency or ambiguity. Pogo-sticking indicates that users are unsure where to find the information they need due to unclear or overlapping elements of the IA. The first-click reveals how users perceive and approach your IA, and whether they are on the right track or not.