SBCM is a four-part process that involves assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation. In each component, the case manager and the client work together to apply a strength-based perspective and approach. The assessment includes a strength-based inventory that looks into the client's personal, interpersonal, and environmental assets and resources. The case manager uses motivational interviewing techniques to understand the client's motivation and readiness for change. Then, they develop a service plan tailored to the client's goals and strengths. This plan outlines desired outcomes, strategies and actions, roles and responsibilities, and criteria to measure progress. The case manager then implements the plan with support, guidance, advocacy, coordination, and referral as needed. Strength-based interventions such as solution-focused therapy are used to help the client build on their strengths and achieve their goals. The case manager also facilitates the client's connection with other services in the community. Finally, they review and evaluate the service plan regularly with feedback and data to monitor progress, satisfaction, and quality of life. The results are documented and reported.