Conditional logic is a simple and straightforward way of implementing different behaviors based on some conditions or inputs. For example, you can use a switch statement or a series of if-else statements to check the country and apply the corresponding formula for the shipping cost. However, this approach has some drawbacks that can affect the quality and maintainability of your code, such as making your code more complex and verbose, introducing duplication and inconsistency, reducing flexibility and extensibility, and making it harder to test. The strategy pattern can help you overcome these issues by replacing conditional logic with polymorphism. Polymorphism allows an object to behave differently depending on its type or state. With the strategy pattern, you define different behaviors as separate classes that implement a common interface. Then, you can use a reference to the interface to invoke the appropriate behavior at runtime without knowing or caring about the concrete implementation. This way, you can make your code simpler and more concise, eliminate duplication and inconsistency, increase flexibility and extensibility, and make it easier to test.