Scenario planning is an ongoing process that requires commitment, collaboration, and communication. To use it for product recalls, you should first define the scope and objectives. Consider the main question or challenge you want to address, the time horizon and geographic scope of your analysis, and the criteria and indicators of success or failure. Then identify the key drivers and uncertainties, such as factors that influence or affect product development, quality, safety, and marketing. These can be certain or unpredictable and range from important to uncertain. After this, develop and describe the scenarios by giving each one a name and narrative that explains its logic, assumptions, and outcomes. Use qualitative and quantitative data to support your scenarios. Once you have done this, analyze and compare them to determine their implications for product development, quality, safety, and marketing. Identify and prioritize the actions you need to take in each scenario - some may be common across all scenarios while others are specific or contingent on certain scenarios. Finally, monitor and update the scenarios by tracking changes that affect them as well as communicating them with stakeholders.