In order to use SCAMPER in consulting, you must first define the problem or opportunity you want to address, and then use the SCAMPER questions to explore different angles and perspectives. For instance, if you are working on a project to help a client increase their sales, you may ask yourself what can be substituted or changed in the client's product, service, market, or strategy? What can be combined or integrated with the client's product, service, market, or strategy? What can be borrowed or learned from other industries, competitors, or best practices? What can be added, enhanced, or simplified in the client's product, service, market, or strategy? How can you use the client's product, service, market, or strategy for a different purpose or audience? What can be removed or reduced in the client's product, service, market, or strategy? And finally, what can you do the opposite of or differently in the client's product, service, market, or strategy?