How can you use research to identify common leadership challenges and address them through coaching?
As an executive coach, you want to help your clients overcome the challenges they face as leaders and achieve their goals. But how do you know what are the most common and relevant issues that affect leaders today, and how do you use evidence-based coaching to address them effectively? In this article, you will learn how to use research to identify common leadership challenges and address them through coaching.
MANISH RATHODExecutive Coach, Business Leader; passionate about shaping & building organizations, Culture, HRBP, Innovator, Problem…
Sadhanaa Giri ?Founder | Executive LEADerSHIP Coach | I Help Mid Career Professionals 10X Impact | ICF PCC Level2 | 3X Tedx Speaker…
Chamseddine Othmane ICF-PCC Assoc.CIPDEnabling Human, Curating Culture through Executive and Leadership Coaching