The pg_stat_statements extension has several parameters that you can configure to customize its behavior and performance. You can set these parameters in your postgresql.conf file or in your session using the SET command. Some of the most important ones are pg_stat_statements.max, pg_stat_statements.track, and pg_stat_statements.track_utility. The pg_stat_statements.max parameter determines the maximum number of statements that the extension can track, with the default value being 5000; however, increasing this value can increase memory usage, so you should consider your available resources when adjusting this parameter. The pg_stat_statements.track parameter controls which types of statements are tracked by the extension, with the default value being top, which means that only top-level statements are tracked and excludes those inside functions or triggers. You can change this to all if you want to track all statements or to a specific list if you want to filter out some types. Lastly, the pg_stat_statements.track_utility parameter determines whether utility commands are tracked by the extension, with the default value being on, meaning that utility commands are tracked; however, you can change this value to off if you want to exclude them from the statistics.