To illustrate how the delegation design pattern works in web application development, let's look at a simple example. Suppose you have a web application that allows users to upload and download files from a cloud storage service, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. A possible solution is to use the delegation design pattern. This involves creating a StorageService class that represents the common functionality of uploading and downloading files from any storage provider, as well as a StorageProvider interface that defines the methods for connecting, uploading, and downloading files from a specific storage provider. Additionally, GoogleDriveProvider, DropboxProvider, and OneDriveProvider classes should be created to implement the StorageProvider interface and provide the concrete logic for interacting with each storage provider. The appropriate StorageProvider object should then be injected into the StorageService object depending on the user's preference or configuration. This is done by calling the StorageProvider methods from the StorageService methods. In this way, you can inform and reassure stakeholders while providing valuable insights for improving your cloud security posture. Here is a simplified code example in Java demonstrating this approach.