When deciding which type of computer graphics is best for creating 3D scatterplots, there is no definitive answer as it depends on your goals, preferences, and resources. Factors to consider include the size and complexity of your data, the purpose and audience of your visualization, and the software and skills you have. For large and complex data sets, raster graphics may be best to capture and display the nuances and details. Conversely, vector graphics may be more suitable for small and simple data sets to highlight and emphasize the main features and trends. Vector graphics can also be customized and interactive if you want to convey a clear message to your audience. On the other hand, raster graphics can render high quality images to show a realistic view of your data. Additionally, if you have access to software or library that can generate 3D images from data, raster graphics may be easier and quicker to produce. Conversely, if you have access to software or library that can draw 3D shapes from data, vector graphics may be more creatively and dynamically designed.