When you have everything prepared, you can run a brainwriting session by following a few steps. First, explain the rules and goals of the brainwriting to the team, ensuring that everyone understands the problem statement or question, the format, time limit, and number of cycles. Distribute the papers or documents with the problem statement or question to each team member and ask them to write their name and three ideas on their paper or document in the first cycle. Start the timer and let the team write while reminding them to be creative, original, and concise, and to avoid criticizing or editing their own or others' ideas. When the time is up, ask them to pass their paper or document to the next person, clockwise or randomly. Tell them to read the ideas on the new paper or document, and add three more in the next cycle. Repeat this passing and writing process until each team member has contributed to each paper or document, or until the desired number of cycles is reached. Then collect all papers or documents and review all ideas as a group. You can use different methods such as voting, grouping, or scoring to sort, rank, or evaluate these ideas. Finally, select the most promising, feasible, or innovative ideas for further development or implementation.