Backtracking algorithms can be improved in terms of efficiency and effectiveness through the use of certain techniques and strategies. Pruning is one such technique, which involves removing some options or branches that are deemed invalid or suboptimal based on heuristics or criteria; for example, in the Sudoku problem, one can prune the options already present in the same row, column, or subgrid of the current cell. Ordering is another technique which involves selecting the options or branches that are more likely to lead to a solution or a better solution first, based on heuristics or criteria; for instance, in the N-Queens problem, one can order columns by the number of conflicts they have with previous queens. Lastly, memoization is a strategy that involves storing and reusing results from subproblems that have been solved before, so as to avoid recomputing them; for example, in the Subset Sum problem, one can memoize subsets checked for a given sum to avoid repeating calculations.