The third step is to practice the conversation with your partner. You could use a video call, phone call, or face-to-face meeting to simulate the real situation. It's important to be professional, confident, and respectful during the mock interview. To guide your conversation, start with a brief introduction and summary of your qualifications and achievements. Then, express your interest and enthusiasm for the role and company. When it comes to salary, wait for the interviewer to bring up the topic or ask politely if they have a budget or range in mind. Respond to their offer by stating your target salary or asking for more details or time to consider. Provide evidence and reasons to support your request such as your skills, value, research, or competing offers. Listen to their counteroffer, objections, or questions and address them calmly and confidently. Negotiate other aspects of the compensation package like bonuses, benefits, equity, or flexibility. Finally, thank them for the opportunity and express your interest in moving forward.