Once you have explored and understood your data, you can start cleaning and transforming it according to your analysis goals and needs. This may involve various tasks such as replacing, imputing, or deleting missing values; removing or resolving duplicates; handling outliers and errors; standardizing or normalizing data values; encoding or converting data types; renaming or reordering columns; merging or splitting data frames; and reshaping or pivoting data tables. To do this, you should use appropriate methods and techniques that suit your data and context. For example, the pandas library offers methods like .fillna(), .dropna(), .interpolate(), .drop_duplicates(), .clip(), .replace(), or .apply() to deal with missing values, duplicates, outliers, and errors. The sklearn library provides methods like .scale(), .normalize(), or .bin() to standardize or normalize data values. The pandas library offers methods like .astype(), .to_numeric(), or .get_dummies() to encode or convert data types. Additionally, the pandas library offers methods like .rename(), .reindex(), or .sort_values() to rename or reorder columns, as well as methods like .concat(), .join(), or .append() to merge or split data frames, and methods like .stack(), .unstack(), or .pivot() to reshape or pivot data tables.