How to write window and analytical functions?
To write a window and analytical function, you need to follow this general syntax:
<function>(<arguments>) OVER ([PARTITION BY <partition_columns>] [ORDER BY <order_columns>] [frame_clause])
The function can be any built-in or user-defined function that supports windowing, such as SUM, AVG, ROW_NUMBER, RANK, LAG, LEAD, etc. The arguments are the columns or expressions that the function operates on. The OVER clause defines the window for the function, which can include the optional PARTITION BY, ORDER BY, and frame_clause components. The PARTITION BY clause specifies the columns that divide the data into groups. The ORDER BY clause specifies the columns that sort the data within each partition. The frame_clause specifies the range of rows to include in the calculation, which can be ROWS or RANGE based, and can have different options for the start and end points.
For example, suppose you have a table called sales with columns date, product, and amount. You can use a window function to calculate the total amount of sales for each product over time, as follows:
SELECT date, product, amount, SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY product ORDER BY date) AS total
This query will return the date, product, amount, and total columns, where the total column is the cumulative sum of the amount column for each product partition, ordered by the date column.