One of the easiest ways to view vision data in ROS is to use the image_view package, which provides a simple GUI for displaying sensor_msgs/Image messages. You can run the image_view node with the following command: rosrun image_view image_view image:=/image_topic where /image_topic is the name of the topic that publishes the image messages. You can also use the image_view node to save images to files or publish them to other topics.
Another way to view vision data in ROS is to use the rviz package, which provides a 3D visualization tool for displaying various types of messages, such as sensor_msgs/Image, sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, geometry_msgs/Pose, or nav_msgs/Odometry. You can run the rviz node with the following command: rosrun rviz rviz Then, you can add different displays to the rviz window, such as Image, PointCloud2, or TF, and configure their properties, such as topic name, color, size, or frame. You can also use the rviz node to interact with the visualization, such as zooming, panning, rotating, or selecting points.