The ROS navigation stack is a collection of packages that implement the core functionalities of navigation and localization for mobile robots. It includes components such as move_base , amcl , global_planner , local_planner , costmap_2d , and map_server . However, these components are not plug-and-play solutions that work out of the box. They require careful configuration and tuning to match your robot's hardware, sensors, and goals. For example, you need to configure the parameters of your move_base node, such as the controller frequency, the planner frequency, the recovery behavior, and the goal tolerance. You also need to configure the parameters of your amcl node, such as the number of particles, the update rate, the initial pose, and the sensor model. You also need to configure the parameters of your global_planner and local_planner nodes, such as the cost function, the inflation radius, the obstacle avoidance strategy, and the trajectory generator. You also need to configure the parameters of your costmap_2d node, such as the resolution, the size, the layers, the inflation layer, and the static map. You also need to configure the parameters of your map_server node, such as the map file, the frame id, and the origin. You can use the rqt_reconfigure tool to dynamically adjust these parameters and observe their effects on your navigation and localization performance.