Once you have defined your research scope, you need to choose the most suitable research methods for your project. You may use qualitative or quantitative methods, or a combination of both. Qualitative methods, such as interviews, observations, or usability testing, explore the deeper motivations, emotions, and experiences of users. On the other hand, quantitative methods like surveys, analytics, or experiments measure the behavior, satisfaction, and outcomes of users. To ensure belonging and acceptance in your research methods, consider factors like the diversity and representation of your user sample, the accessibility and inclusivity of your research tools and platforms, and the rapport and empathy of your research interactions. Aim to include users from different backgrounds and perspectives without bias or discrimination. Additionally, make sure your research tools and platforms are easy to use, understand, and access for your users with any special needs or preferences they may have. Above all else, establish a positive and respectful relationship with your users that shows genuine interest in their stories, feedback, and suggestions.