Communication audit and evaluation are both technical and ethical endeavors that involve collecting, using, and sharing sensitive and confidential information from and about your stakeholders and audiences. To ensure these activities are conducted ethically, you need to respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of your data sources and participants by obtaining their informed consent, protecting their anonymity and confidentiality, and avoiding any harm or coercion. Additionally, it is important to ensure the accuracy, honesty, and integrity of your data collection and analysis while avoiding any bias, manipulation, or misrepresentation of your data findings and conclusions. Furthermore, you should acknowledge the limitations, uncertainties, and assumptions of your data interpretation and reporting while disclosing any conflicts of interest, limitations, or challenges that may affect your data validity and reliability. Finally, it is essential to use your data responsibly and respectfully by using it for the intended purposes only, respecting the ownership and copyright of your data sources, and sharing your data appropriately and transparently. Communication audit and evaluation are beneficial for improving your reputation and stakeholder relationships while helping you understand, measure, and enhance your communication performance and impact. By adhering to these ethical principles outlined in this article, you can conduct communication audit and evaluation in a systematic manner.